Get started

Clone the LAMMPS docker container

  • To clone the LAMMPS container: docker pull cbgeo/lammps:latest. The tag latest is not required. This clones the cbgeo/lammps container from the Docker Hub.

docker pull cbgeo/lammps

Using default tag: latest
Trying to pull repository ... 
sha256:bae487335973fb836b209f3834fab17093bbc7d3060b475322d7c0da2fb0e798: Pulling from
d5e46245fe40: Pull complete 
6fc0632c5d83: Pull complete 
997f11b9bffd: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:bae487335973fb836b209f3834fab17093bbc7d3060b475322d7c0da2fb0e798
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Running the LAMMPS image

  • To launch the cbgeo/lammps docker container, run docker run -ti cbgeo/lammps:latest /bin/bash

Once logged in you can run /opt/lammps/src/lmp_serial -i /opt/lammps/examples/granregion/in.granregion.mixer

Running a container with a local volume mounted

  • docker run -ti -v /home/<user>/<mounted-folder>/:/<path-in-container> cbgeo/lammps:latest

Users running Linux distributions with SELinux enabled (Redhat, CentOS, Fedora, and others) will need to add the :z option to all subsequent host volume mounts -v, e.g.: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/home/cbgeo/research/lem-shared/:z /bin/bash.

Connecting to a running container

  • docker exec -ti <containerid> /bin/bash

Start / stop a container

  • docker start <containerid>

  • docker stop <containerid>

Delete a container

  • docker rm <containerid>, stop the container before deleting it.

  • To delete all docker containers docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

To login as root

  • Launching docker as root user: docker exec -u 0 -ti <containerid> /bin/bash

Exposing ports

  • Let's run the tensor flow container docker run -ti tensorflow/tensorflow.

  • However, when we ran it the host and the container ports are not bound.

  • To connect to a particular port (for e.g., 8888) in docker container to port 8888 in localhost: docker run -ti -p 8888:8888 tensorflow/tensorflow

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