Azure HDInsight SQL

In this section, you use Jupyter notebook to run interactive Spark SQL queries against the Spark cluster you created earlier. HDInsight Spark clusters provide three kernels that you can use with the Jupyter notebook. These are:

  • PySpark (for applications written in Python)

  • PySpark3 (for applications written in Python3)

  • Spark (for applications written in Scala)

In this course, you'll use the PySpark3 kernel in the notebook from where you run the interactive Spark SQL query. Some of the key benefits of using the PySpark kernel are:

  • The contexts for Spark and Hive are set automatically.

  • Use cell magics, such as %%sql, to directly run interactive SQL or Hive queries, without any preceding code snippets.

  • The output from the interactive queries is automatically visualized.

Azure HDInsight parameters supported with the %%sql magic

The %%sql magic supports different parameters that you can use to control the kind of output that you receive when you run queries. The following table lists the output.








Use this to turn off visualizations for the cell. If you don't want to auto-visualize the content of a cell and just want to capture it as a dataframe, then use -q -o <VARIABLE>. If you want to turn off visualizations without capturing the results (for example, for running a SQL query, like a CREATE TABLE statement), use -q without specifying a -o argument.



Where METHOD is either take or sample (default is take). If the method is take, the kernel picks elements from the top of the result data set specified by MAXROWS (described later in this table). If the method is sample, the kernel randomly samples elements of the data set according to -r parameter, described next in this table.



Here FRACTION is a floating-point number between 0.0 and 1.0. If the sample method for the SQL query is sample, then the kernel randomly samples the specified fraction of the elements of the result set for you. For example, if you run a SQL query with the arguments -m sample -r 0.01, then 1% of the result rows are randomly sampled.



MAXROWS is an integer value. The kernel limits the number of output rows to MAXROWS. If MAXROWS is a negative number such as -1, then the number of rows in the result set is not limited.


%%sql -q -m sample -r 0.1 -n 500 -o query2
SELECT * FROM hivesampletable

The statement above does the following:

  • Selects all records from hivesampletable.

  • Because we use -q, it turns off auto-visualization.

  • Because we use -m sample -r 0.1 -n 500 it randomly samples 10% of the rows in the hivesampletable and limits the size of the result set to 500 rows.

  • Finally, because we used -o query2 it also saves the output into a dataframe called query2.

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