Shared variables

When we normally pass functions to Spark, such as a map() function or a condition for filter(), they can use variables defined outside them in the driver program, but each task running on the cluster gets a new copy of each variable, and updates from these copies are not propagated back to the driver. Spark’s shared variables, accumulators and broadcast variables, relax this restriction for two common types of communication patterns: aggregation of results and broadcasts.


Accumulators, as the name suggests accumulates data during execution. An accumulator is initialized at the driver and is then modified (added) by each executors. Finally all these values are aggregated back at the driver.

For example, say that we are loading a log file, but we are also interested in how many lines of the log file were blank.

 # Accumulator empty line count
file = sc.textFile(inputFile)
# Create Accumulator[Int] initialized to 0
blankLines = sc.accumulator(0)
def extractLines(line):
  global blankLines # Make the global variable accessible
  if (line == ""):
    blankLines += 1
  return line.split(" ")

logfile = file.flatMap(extractLines)

In these examples, we create an Accumulator[Int] called blankLines , and then add 1 to it whenever we see a blank line in the input. After evaluating the transformation, we print the value of the counter. Note that we will see the right count only after we run the saveAsTextFile() action, because the transformation above it, map(), is lazy, so the side-effect incrementing of the accumulator will happen only when the lazy map() transformation is forced to occur by the saveAsTextFile() action. Of course, it is possible to aggregate values from an entire RDD back to the driver program using actions like reduce(), but sometimes we need a simple way to aggregate values that, in the process of transforming an RDD, are generated at different scale or granularity than that of the RDD itself.


Broadcast variables, allows the program to efficiently send a large, read-only value to all the worker nodes for use in one or more Spark operations. They come in handy, for example, if your application needs to send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes, or even a large feature vector in a machine learning algorithm. Consider two RDDs names and addresses which are to be joined.

Here, both names and addresses will be shuffled over the network for performing the join which is not efficient since any data transfer over the network will reduce the execution speed.

This is also inefficient since we are sending sizable amount of data over the network for each task. So how do we overcome this problem? By means of broadcast variables. If a variable is broadcasted, it will be sent to each node only once, thereby reducing network traffic.

Broadcast variables are read-only, broadcast value is an immutable object. Spark uses BitTorrent like protocol for sending the broadcast variable across the cluster, i.e., for each variable that has to be broadcasted, initially the driver will act as the only source. The data will be split into blocks at the driver and each leecher (receiver) will start fetching the block to it’s local directory. Once a block is completely received, then that leecher will also act as a source for this block for the rest of the leechers (This reduces the load at the machine running driver). This is continued for rest of the blocks. So initially, only the driver is the source and later on the number of sources increases - because of this, rate at which the blocks are fetched by a node increases over time.

Recall that Spark automatically sends all variables referenced in your closures to the worker nodes. While this is convenient, it can also be inefficient. As an example, say that we wanted to write a Spark program that looks up countries by their IP address in an array.

# IP lookup
# Look up the locations of the IP on the
# RDD contactCounts. We load a list of IP to country code to support this lookup.
ipPrefixes = loadIPTable()
def processIPCount(ip_count, ipPrefixes):
  country = lookupCountry(ip_count[0], ipPrefixes)
  count = ip_count[1]
  return (country, count)
countryContactCounts = (contactCounts
                        .reduceByKey((lambda x, y: x+ y)))

The ipPrefixes could easily be several megabytes in size, making it expensive to send that Array from the master alongside each task. In addition, if we used the same ipPrefixes object later, it would be sent again to each node. This can be fixed by making ipPrefixes a broadcast variable:

ipPrefixes = sc.broadcast(loadCallipTable())
def processipCount(ip_count, ipPrefixes):
  country = lookupCountry(ip_count[0], ipPrefixes.value)
  count = ip_count[1]
  return (country, count)
countryContactCounts = (contactCounts
                       .reduceByKey((lambda x, y: x+ y)))
countryContactCounts.saveAsTextFile(outputDir + "/countries.txt")

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